IPSC Miniature Cardboard Targets 50Stk.

35,90 €
inkl. 20% USt. , zzgl. Versand
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Lieferzeit: 1 - 2 Werktage**

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A pack of 50 pieces, top quality, miniature 2/3 (60% size) IPSC cardboard targets, with well market score lines and firm wafer structure. These targets will take more hits than most, before needing to be replaced!

The back side of the targets are white, which make them perfect to use as hard cover or No-Shoot targets.
The smaller size makes these perfect for practicing simulating longer distance than you may have on your range, allowing you to better prepare for this long distance shots. Or use them for Airsoft, where shorter distances are called for.

The targets are available in bundles of 25, 50 or 100 pieces, which puts them just under the 1kg, 2kg and 4kg shipping weight, respectfully.


Hersteller: Double Alpha
Kategorie: Ziele
Artikelnummer: 10052950
GTIN: 10053350
Versandgewicht‍: 2,70 kg